What are the realities of penetration testing as a job?

Dominic Clark

Penetration Testing as a Job

In the video below, expert penetration tester Dominic Clark shares why he thinks penetration testing is such an engaging way to make a living. Dominic has always been passionate about breaking and entering into computer systems, even from a young age, and highly recommends the career to others. 

Video Highlights:
– One of the highlights of the job is looking at a network, seeing the vulnerabilities pop up, and exploiting those vulnerabilities to learn about the network’s weaknesses. Each network is like a new story.
– A large part of a penetration tester’s job is writing a report on the findings. The report includes information such as what they looked at during the penetration test and what can be improved in the network. 
– One of the best parts of this role is returning to a client the following period and seeing what they’ve been able to fix, as well as finding new attack vectors to exploit. It’s a new adventure every time!

Ask an AlaGENIUS: More Penetration Testing FAQs

Dominic explains the value of penetration testing in this short video.

Learn from a pen tester how he bypasses defenses in this 30-minute webinar.

Pen Tester Dominic Clark shares how penetration testing tactics constantly evolve.

Does your company want to learn about having our experienced penetration testers exploit weaknesses and give guidance to remove those vulnerabilities? Please contact us for a free consultation.

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